Donor IVF Services
Donor IVF Services
Why Donor IVF Services
At Zivia fertility clinic, we help the couple with donor services. Our donor services include donor eggs, and embryo donation services. All our donor services are law-abiding and according to medical standards.
There are 2 types of Donor IVF Services:
- Egg Donation
- Embryo Donation
Years of Experience
Success Rate
Successful Deliveries
Surrogate Babies
Egg Donation
Why Use an Egg Donor?
The most common reason why couples turn to egg donation is poor egg quality due to advanced maternal age or premature ovarian failure. A woman’s egg quality lessens as she ages and significantly declines after age 37.

Who Needs Egg Donation?
Donated eggs are needed by women who may have:
Premature Ovarian Failure – affects 2-5% of women under 40
Ovaries damaged by chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment for cancer
Been born without functioning ovaries (e.g., Turner’s syndrome)
Ovaries resistant to stimulation by the pituitary hormones
A high risk of passing on genetic disorders to their offspring
Poorly functioning ovaries as they get older
Egg donors often remark that knowing they’ve given a couple a chance to have a family is one of the most rewarding experiences of their lives and a noble cause.
Egg Donation Requirement?
- Donor eggs are provided by healthy young women, usually between ages 21 and 30.
- Egg donors undergo psychological and medical screening, which includes a thorough medical history, physical exam, and ovarian reserve assessment to determine if she is likely to be a good donor candidate.
- The Egg donor will be anonymous.
What Happens at the Bank / Clinic?
All donors are screened to ensure they’re free of infections, diseases, or genetic conditions that might be transmitted. They are asked about their medical and family history and perform a medical examination and blood tests. Our consultants explain the treatment process, potential risks, and possible side effects to prospective donors. Before embarking on treatment, prospective donors will receive implications counseling from an independent counselor. Donor sperm is used to fertilize the female partner eggs in lab after egg collection process , in the case of egg donation, the treatment ends after the collection of the donor’s eggs. The donated eggs are fertilized using the sperm of the recipient’s partner, and the resulting embryos are transferred to the recipient’s womb.
Legal Aspects
There will be an affidavit by a donor and recipient to abide the law. Donor will give affidavit that she is donating eggs first time and will not do the same again and all the medical and socio consequences counseling is done, and she will not try to find the identity of recipient. Similarly recipient will also not try to find the identity of donor and both will remain anonymous. Along with affidavit there will be medical insurance will be done for donor.
Process of Egg Donor IVF: The Process Involves 7 Simple Steps

Ovarian Stimulation
After primary consultation and selection of Egg Donor, the process begins with stimulating the ovaries from Day 2 or Day 3 of the menstrual cycle of Egg Donor. In this step, scanning of follicles is done, and daily FSH/HMG injections are given for 10-12 days to the Egg Donor to grow the follicles and our fertility expert monitors the development of the follicles in the ovary using an ultrasound and blood investigations on regular interval to control the size and quality of follicles.
Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval
After 10-12 days of stimulation based on the growth, an injection (trigger) is given to assist in the final maturation of the eggs and loosen the egg from the walls of the follicle. After 34-36 hours of trigger injection, the egg retrieval process takes place with general anesthesia in the Zivia Fertility center IVF unit.

Sperm Collection
On the same day of egg retrieval, a fresh sperm sample is collected from the male partner using masturbation. If needed, sperm can be extracted from the testicles or epididymis using a separate procedure. The sperm sample is then processed, and the healthiest sperm is selected.
Once the eggs are retrieved, the fertilization process begins, where the mature eggs are placed in an incubator and fertilized with sperm within a couple of hours. In the ICSI process, embryologists select a single healthy sperm and inject it directly into the egg. Egg fertilization involves the observation of embryos until it reaches the blastocyst stage. Once the sperm fertilizes the egg, it becomes an embryo. Monitoring of the embryo is completed in 2 to 6 days.

Blastocyst Culture
After fertilization, the embryo development process starts. The Day 5-Day 6 stage from fertilization is called Blastocyst.
ICSI Donor Sperm Embryo Transfer
Once embryos are formed based on the quality and growth of the embryos, the best embryos are transferred into the uterus of the female partner using a small tube called a Catheter.

After the embryos are transferred into the uterus, our fertility experts prescribe medicine to enhance the chances of implantation. After the stipulated time, usually after the 14th day or 2 weeks, pregnancy tests are conducted by our fertility experts to check the result.