Every 1 in 10 women, or around 176 million women of reproductive age, suffer endometriosis. In addition, about 50% of women diagnosed with infertility have endometriosis

The above statement infers a  close connection between endometriosis, infertility, and pregnancy, and therefore women must remain informed about the signs and symptoms of endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition contributing to women’s conception and infertility issues. Being cautious about the signs and symptoms of endometriosis can help women seek early treatment and get the best results.

Also Read: Secondary Infertility – What do you need to know about it?

So now let’s look at 5 signs and symptoms of endometriosis women should never ignore.

Sign Number 1:  Painful sex

If it pains during intercourse, you may have endometriosis.  Due to endometriosis, some blood spotting is expected during or after intercourse. However, if the blood cannot exit the womb, it causes stagnation of menstrual blood and inflammation and scarring in the uterus, aggravating endometriosis.

Hence, you must contact a gynaecologist for tests and diagnosis of endometriosis, which may be the case.

Sign Number 2: Unusual and heavy bleeding during periods

If you have heavy bleeding, cramping, and excruciating period pain during periods, especially in your lower back, lower abdomen, or pelvis, you may have endometriosis.

During menstruation, the thick lining of the uterus cracks, breaks, and bleeds. Due to endometriosis, the lining grows thicker, causing more pain and cramping during menses.

Also Read: Advancements in Azoospermia Treatment: Options and Hope for Fertility

Sign Number 3: Trouble getting pregnant

If you are trying for conception but not falling pregnant, you may have endometriosis. Endometriosis can cause conditions like fibrosis and tubular blockage, causing hurdles in fertilisation and pregnancy.

Those with a family history of endometriosis should be cautious about this condition and consult a gynecologist when doubtful about this condition.

Sign Number 4: Blood in stool or urine

The endometrial cells may bond in the pelvic organs, and the same cells may pass during urine or stool. Having blood in urine and stool may indicate endometriosis.

Consult your gynecologist if you have been getting blood traces in urine or stool.

Sign Number 5: Fatigue that does not go away.

It’s usual to feel drowsiness, mood swings, pelvic bouts, and exhaustion when your menstrual date is approaching. But with endometriosis, the level of exhaustion increases exceptionally. Women also feel constant nausea and extreme exhaustion with some other fatigue symptoms.

By noticing the signs and symptoms of endometriosis and getting a correct diagnosis, you are empowered to

  • Become assured of the gynecologist’s opinion and treat your condition with the aptest treatment.
  • Undergo an appropriate and updated endometriosis treatment that will save your precious time that you can utilize for treatment and get better results in pregnancy.
  • Make an informed decision about your fertility issues.
  • Can opt for IVF timely. In many advanced cases of endometriosis, women are recommended endometriosis treatment at first and then IVF treatment for pregnancy. 

Your gynecologist can be your best friend and guide for planning pregnancy. Endometriosis is one of the biggest causes of infertility in women. It not only causes infertility issues but excruciating pain and lifestyle problems also. However, early treatment can help manage its symptoms, abate its progression and ensure a healthy conception and pregnancy.

Zivia IVF is one of the best IVF centers in India, at two centers, at first in Jaipur and now in Pune. With over 30 years of experience and 73% success rates, Zivia IVF has made thousands of couples proud parents.

Are gynecological issues bothering you? Book an appointment to consult our experts and discuss your gynecological issues.